Hello there!
Welcome to our little corner of the universe. So you want to know more about A.B. Rich Films? First and foremost, we are an award winning wedding videography business in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. 🙂
My name is Amberleigh, and that handsome fellow up there next to me is my husband Brad Rich. Together we are A.B. Rich Films. Get it? A for Amberleigh, B for Brad, our last name is Rich and we create wedding films. Hence, A.B. Rich Films! Super creative, right? Lol. We are a great team! Brad is the amazingly talented wedding videographer and I send out emails, update our website and various other behind the scenes business stuff.
We are passionate about our wedding videography business. Sometimes it is hard to really even call what we do work. Don’t get us wrong, we DO work very hard. But when you love what you do that makes all the difference. How many people can honestly say they regularly have the opportunity to document one of the most important, emotional, happy, personal days of someone’s life? It is crazy awesome. We are fortunate and blessed to be able to tell all of your stories through film.
Speaking of stories, that is the focus of what we do. I’ll break it down for you:
Amazing Audio + Stunning Visual + Brad’s magical powers = YOUR Wedding Film.
Audio is the number one most important thing that we capture on your wedding day. Which is why we take audio super seriously. I’m talking, having a back up of a back up, working with your venue on sound, working with your band or DJ on sound, having our own recording devices in addition to those other audio sources, etc. Brad does everything he possibly can to ensure he captures the highest quality audio possible. You know why? Audio introduces humor and emotion into your film. It creates a story and draws you in. It’s what makes you tear up when you are watching somebody else’s wedding film while simultaneously thinking to yourself “I don’t even know this person and here I am sobbing like a baby!” Yep, that’s audio.
High quality video is also important. Everything Brad captures on your wedding day is filmed in high definition using professional video equipment. Brad takes great care to make sure he is capturing everything carefully and professionally. One thing we pride ourselves on is always trying to capture candid video. I’m not sure about you, but as soon as I am aware that I’m being filmed, I start acting differently. Brad knows this is generally true of most people. As a wedding videographer, Brad has been told time and time again things like “I can’t believe you captured all of that…it barely seemed like you were there!” I like to think it is because Brad is a wedding videography ninja, but in reality he is just really great at knowing when and where to be to capture everything he needs on film.
Brad’s magical powers are what I like to call his behind the scenes editing work. He cast’s a magic spell on the audio and the video and then POOF! An amazing wedding film appears. Does that sound believable? I didn’t think so either. Honestly though, I literally have no idea how he does it. However, when I watch his finished wedding films I always find myself in awe. Like, how did he do that? It’s mind boggling and amazing at the same time. The bottom line is, his true calling is not as a wedding videographer, but as a wedding story teller. Hey Brad, if you are reading this, let me know what the secret is. Otherwise, I’ll keep calling it Brad’s magical powers.
Besides filming weddings, here are some other things we LOVE in life:
We LOVE to travel! One of our favorite travel adventures was a 10 day road trip around the northern half of California, which led us through some very strange and windy roads…some of which we weren’t sure were even real roads. But the navigation system never lies, right? Insert humor here. This road trip brought us to San Francisco, Yosemite National Park, Lake Tahoe, Reno, Mount Shasta, The Redwood National Forest, Eureka, the Avenue of the Giants, Mendocino, Muir Woods and everywhere in between! Here is one of my favorite pictures from that trip. Any guesses on the location?
We LOVE our animals. We have 4 pets. Dory, the cat. Roxy, the cat. Nemo, the Corgi. Teddy, the Yorkie. Our house is full of love and fur and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
I hope we were able to give you a small glimpse into our business and our life. If you want to know more about A.B. Rich Films, please contact us below.
Related Topics: MN Wedding Videographer, Wedding Videographer MN, Minnesota Wedding Videographer, Twin Cities Wedding Videographer, Minneapolis Wedding Videographer, Twin Cities Wedding Videography, Minnesota Wedding Films, MN Wedding Films, Story Telling Videography MN, MN Wedding Filmmaker, Cinematic Wedding videographer MNA.B. Rich Films is a wedding videography production business based in the Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. A.B. Rich Films focuses on wedding videography, with a passion for filming and editing beautiful wedding story films that are unique to each couple.